• magisterrex Retro Games

    I've been gaming since the days of Pong and still own a working Atari 2600 (among other elder statesmen systems!). I tend to ramble on about retro games, whether they be board games, video games or PC games. Sometimes I digress. Decades after earning it, I'm finally putting the skills I learned while completing my history degree from the University of Victoria to good use. Or so I think. If you're into classic old school gaming, this blog is for you!

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Prince of Persia: the iPhone assimilates another classic game

Jordan Mechner’s classic Prince of Persia game has arrived in Apple’s app store for the iPhone, iPod, iTouch, and iPad.  It features the classic 60-minute countdown that caused gamers everywhere to curl their toes in anxitety as they searched for the level exit.  New to the game is the ability to update your friends on your game’s progress through Facebook (which has to be the lamest “advance” that the industry is currently promoting – really, I don’t give a flying rat about what secret you just unlocked).  As a portable game machine, the iPhone is certainly making its case with releases like this one.  I’d still rather play the original on my PC, but then again, I’m a retro kind of guy.

Prince of Persia for the iPhone

I certainly hope Jordan Mechner is getting residuals on this release, though.  I’d hate to think about all those classic retro games heading into the Apple Borg Collective and only benefiting Steve Jobs and the gang!

Prince of Persia CD Collection